Drumroll please! The unveiling of

You heard that right. Step aside andersonroe.NET (actually, it still works and soon will automatically direct you here); andersonroe.COM is the new moniker to remember!

Actually, two things have happened. We've *finally* acquired the web address, and we've built a brand new website.

"" was stuck in the hands of a pair or real estate agents for years. Real estate agents? Really?! When this other dynamic duo dropped the web address, domain hoarders snatched it up and tried to sell us the domain name for thousands of dollars. After two years of us playing "NO GAME," the domain hoarders gave up and released the web address to the winds of cyberspace, free for us to collect on our own accord.

We're celebrating with a brand new website. We think the vastly revised site is lovely, mostly because it is considerably easier (wildly, wonderfully, shockingly easier!) for us to update. A lot of things are happening in Anderson & Roe land, so check back often. (Or simply follow our twitter or RSS feeds!)

Updated Schedule!

It's been a wildly exciting year... and we're finally getting around to updating the website. For now, check out our 2010-11 concert calendar. Also, see our individual pages for our solo schedules (we've got a lot to keep us busy in the next year!): and

Stay tuned for more updates, including: newspaper articles and reviews, two new videos (surprises, good surprises!), new scores for sale (including the long-awaited "Blue Danube Fantasy"), and the answers to some of your questions on the Discussion page.